之前对 ELKB 环境从 2.4 版本升级到最新的 5.0 稳定版本,发现 Kafka 集群运行报错,现在把排查过程记录下。
- logstash2.4
- logstash-input-kafka-2.0.9
- logstash-output-kafka-2.0.5
- kafka_2.10-
- logstash5.0
- logstash-input-kafka-2.0.9
- logstash-output-kafka-2.0.5
[2016-11-16T14:35:44,739][ERROR][logstash.inputs.kafka] Unknown setting 'zk_connect' for kafka
[2016-11-16T14:35:44,741][ERROR][logstash.inputs.kafka] Unknown setting 'topic_id' for kafka
[2016-11-16T14:35:44,741][ERROR][logstash.inputs.kafka] Unknown setting 'reset_beginning' for kafka
- 根据错误查看程序哪里报错
grep "Unknown setting" /usr/share/logstash/ -R
/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/config/mixin.rb:self.logger.error("Unknown setting '#{name}' for #{@plugin_name}")
- 查看程序相关代码,发现需要查看 plugins 的 config 定义文件等
def validate_check_invalid_parameter_names(params)
invalid_params = params.keys
# Filter out parameters that match regexp keys.
# These are defined in plugins like this:
# config /foo.*/ => ...
@config.each_key do |config_key|
if config_key.is_a?(Regexp)
invalid_params.reject! { |k| k =~ config_key }
elsif config_key.is_a?(String)
invalid_params.reject! { |k| k == config_key }
if invalid_params.size > 0
invalid_params.each do |name|
self.logger.error("Unknown setting '#{name}' for #{@plugin_name}")
return false
end # if invalid_params.size > 0
return true
end # def validate_check_invalid_parameter_names
- 进入插件总目录查看具体信息
cd /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-input-kafka-5.0.5
grep config ./* -R | awk '{print $1}' | uniq
1)首先看 CHANGELOG.md,就有发现 logstash-input-3.0.0.beta1 开始就不在向后兼容,且剔除了 jruby-kafka。
4.0.0 版本说开始支持 Kafka 0.9。 5.0.0 又说开始支持 0.10 切不向后兼容。
看来问题找到了,Kafka 版本是 kafka_2.10-,Kafka 版本不兼容导致的。
CHANGELOG.md 部分文档如下:
## 5.0.4
- Update to Kafka version for bug fixes
## 5.0.0
- Support for Kafka 0.10 which is not backward compatible with 0.9 broker.
## 4.0.0
- Republish all the gems under jruby.
- Update the plugin to the version 2.0 of the plugin api, this change is required for Logstash 5.0 compatibility. See https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/5141
- Support for Kafka 0.9 for LS 5.x
## 3.0.0.beta1
- Refactor to use new Java based consumer, bypassing jruby-kafka
- Breaking: Change configuration to match Kafka's configuration. This version is not backward compatible
2)之前看 DEVELOPER.md 文档时,看配置语法都正确,还以为是却少依赖关系 jruby-kafka library 呢,这个在 logstash2.x 是可以使用的。
另外 Kafka 版本写的是,看来这个 DEVELOPER.md 没有及时更新,与后面 kafka.rb 文件不一致。
DEVELOPER.md 文档结尾如下:
* Apache Kafka version
* jruby-kafka library
3)开始看 README.md 文档,特意看了下 Kafka 的兼容性,看来 logstas-input-kafka5.0.5 和 logstash-output-kafka5.0.4 只能用 kafka0.10 了。
如果想用 kafka0.9 还想用 logstash5.0,logstash-input-kafka 和 logstash-output-kafka 只能降级版本到 4.0.0 了。
### Kafka Compatibility
Here's a table that describes the compatibility matrix for Kafka Broker support. Please remember that it is good advice to upgrade brokers before consumers/producers since brokers target backwards compatibility. The 0.9 broker will work with both the 0.8 consumer and 0.9 consumer APIs but not the other way around.
| Kafka Broker Version | Logstash Version | Input Plugin | Output Plugin | Why? |
| 0.8 | 2.0 - 2.x | < 3.0.0 | <3.0.0 | Legacy, 0.8 is still popular |
| 0.9 | 2.0 - 2.3.x | 3.0.0 | 3.0.0 | Intermediate release before 0.10 that works with old Ruby Event API `[]` |
| 0.9 | 2.4, 5.0 | 4.0.0 | 4.0.0 | Intermediate release before 0.10 with new get/set API |
| 0.10 | 2.4, 5.0 | 5.0.0 | 5.0.0 | Track latest Kafka release. Not compatible with 0.9 broker |
4)现在看来只能升级 Kafka 版本了。
最后看了下 jar-dependencies 发现了 kafka-clients-。
ls /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-input-kafka-5.0.5/vendor/jar-dependencies/runtime-jars/
kafka-clients- log4j-1.2.17.jar lz4-1.3.0.jar slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar slf4j-log4j12-1.7.21.jar snappy-java-
kafka.rb 部分文档如下:
# This input will read events from a Kafka topic. It uses the the newly designed
# 0.10 version of consumer API provided by Kafka to read messages from the broker.
# Here's a compatibility matrix that shows the Kafka client versions that are compatible with each combination
# of Logstash and the Kafka input plugin:
# [options="header"]
# |==========================================================
# |Kafka Client Version |Logstash Version |Plugin Version |Security Features |Why?
# |0.8 |2.0.0 - 2.x.x|<3.0.0 | |Legacy, 0.8 is still popular
# |0.9 |2.0.0 - 2.3.x| 3.x.x |Basic Auth, SSL|Works with the old Ruby Event API (`event['product']['price'] = 10`)
# |0.9 |2.4.0 - 5.0.x| 4.x.x |Basic Auth, SSL|Works with the new getter/setter APIs (`event.set('[product][price]', 10)`)
# |0.10|2.4.0 - 5.0.x| 5.x.x |Basic Auth, SSL|Not compatible with the 0.9 broker
# |==========================================================
# NOTE: We recommended that you use matching Kafka client and broker versions. During upgrades, you should
# upgrade brokers before clients because brokers target backwards compatibility. For example, the 0.9 broker
# is compatible with both the 0.8 consumer and 0.9 consumer APIs, but not the other way around.
config :bootstrap_servers, :validate => :string, :default => "localhost:9092"
config :group_id, :validate => :string, :default => "logstash"
config :topics, :validate => :array, :default => ["logstash"]
config :consumer_threads, :validate => :number, :default => 1